
8 Reasons Why Madagascar Will Leave You In Awe As A Tourist

By: Ehis Travels


Madagascar is one of the unique places in the world. It’s full of natural beauty and wildlife that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

What about holiday destinations?

#1. The Islands in Madagascar are breathtaking. 

Islands to visit in Madagascar, includes:

Nosy Be – A port city on the north coast of Madagascar with an incredibly friendly population and lots of good food options.

8 reasons why Madgascar will leave you in awe as a tourist

Nosy Be island. Source: Cruisemapper


#2. Tsimanampetsotsa National Park offers the most gorgeous blue waters.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Tsimanampetsotsa National Park. Source: Flickr

Tsimanampetsotsa National Park is located on the west coast of Madagascar, and it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

The park offers some of the most beautiful blue waters in all of Africa. 

There are many unique species of birds that live here, including flamingos and pelicans, as well as monkeys which can be spotted climbing trees in order to get food from them, or maybe they’re just bored.

If you’re looking for something special to do during Christmas or New Year Holiday, then Tsimanampetsotsa National Park is probably one of those places you should visit.

It has become increasingly popular with tourists since they discovered how gorgeous it looks during these festive seasons. 

But don’t worry if you’re not into nature trips; there’s still plenty else to do besides taking boat rides.

#3. If you’re looking for a spot that’s less crowded than the National Parks, Anjajavy is perfect.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Anjajavy Lodge. Source: Natural Safari

Located off the coast of Madagascar, this small island has been popular with tourists since it was first discovered by Europeans in the 18th century.

Today, Anjajavy is home to lemurs and other wildlife like turtles and monkeys.

You can also go snorkelling or enjoy some delicious seafood if you’d like at the Lodge.

#4. If you want to get up close with lemurs, Lemur Island is where to be.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Lemur Island. Source: Amy Reed on Unsplash

Lemur Island is considered a protected area, so you can’t visit it just to see the lemurs.

It’s home to a large population of these primates, which are used by tourists as pets and for research.

The island has been overrun with tourists who want to take pictures with them and pet them, not good for the animals!

You can swim out into the ocean from shore or rent row boats from local fishermen who live on the island (the latter will cost about $40 per hour).

If you don’t feel like getting wet in your suit or bathing suit, then head over early in the morning before sunrise so that when daylight arrives there won’t be too many people around yet, and hopefully no crowds waiting outside their campsites either!

#5. The forests of Marojejy National Park are filled with many unique lemur species.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Marojejy National Park. Source: Travel to Madagascar

The forests of Marojejy National Park are filled with many unique lemur species.

Lemurs are the unique animals in Madagascar, and they can be found here at every level of the forest.

If you’re taking a tour with a guide, they’ll help you find these animals and learn about their behaviour so that you can have an amazing time exploring this beautiful park!

Silky Sifaka Pink Face Lemur. Source: Wikipedia

If you’re planning on visiting Marojejy National Park without a guide, it’s still worth checking out some of its most interesting attractions:

  • To see some lemurs up close, make sure to visit the Mahavavy area, where it’s possible to spot several different smaller primates like sifakas. Then head over to Gomba Falls where waterfalls tumble down into pools below them along with colourful fish swimming around them; this makes for great photo opportunities!

#6. For a chance to see the elusive Indri Lemur, make your way to Masoala National Park.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Indri Lemur. Source: Shutterstock

If you’re looking to see the elusive Indri Lemur, make your way to Masoala National Park.

This park is home to one of Madagascar’s most endangered primates—the Indris.

Indris are large primates that resemble langurs with tails and ears that fold back along their heads.

They can weigh up to 14 pounds and live in groups of up to 15 individuals in forests throughout the island nation (though only about 500 remain today).

Because they are so rare, many tourists visit Masoala National Park hoping for an encounter with these elusive creatures; however, due to habitat loss caused by logging and cattle grazing, there aren’t many places left where you can see them up close.


#7. The Nosy Mangabe is a must-visit if you love nature.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Nosy Mangabe reserve. Source: travelmada


The Nosy Mangabe is a must-visit if you love nature. Located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, this island has a population of around 1,000 people and has been inhabited by humans for over 4,000 years.

It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999 due to its rich biodiversity and natural beauty.

#8. Montagne d’Ambre National Park is the best place to learn about the natural history of Madagascar.

Is Madagascar A Tourist Destination? 7 Places to Visit This Christmas

Waterfall at Montagne d’Ambre National. Source: tourinmadagascar

Montagne d’Ambre National Park is the best place to learn about the natural history of Madagascar.

It’s located in the north-east of Madagascar and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

There are a lot of different species living in this park that you’ll be able to see, including lemurs and other primates.

There are different ways you can visit Montagne d’Ambre National Park: by bike, on horseback or even on foot!

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Now you know some of the best places to visit in Madagascar, we hope your trip will be unforgettable and memorable.





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