
5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas

By: Ehis Travels


If you don’t seem to be getting into the Christmas spirit, it’s likely that you need a vacation.
In order to really get into the Christmas spirit, you need more than just time away from work or school—you need a reason to celebrate Christmas in style. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do that without going overboard on gifts and family gatherings.

You’ll know that you need a vacation when you see these five signs:

You Become Forgetful

5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas.


After the stress of the year, you need to pamper yourself because you carry so much weight in your head you start forgetting about other things, sometimes important things. Not only that, but you know those days when you’re wearing two different socks, can’t remember where you parked, or maybe even forgot to pick your kids up from school? Many of these are a clear sign that you need a vacation.

Your Passport is Dusty

5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas.

A dust covered international passport. Source:Istock

When was the last time you used that thing? It is best to seek advice before you start planning a trip. It may be time to refresh it and if you don’t have, go get one because you can’t go on a vacation outside your home country without one.


Christmas Ads upset you

5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas.

Source: Pexels

What a perfect life this couple leads, splashing around on the beach and toasting champagne glasses in an infinity pool. And here you are eating eba and egusi in your sweatpants trying to determine if that’s where you envy them the most, how happy they look or how good they look in a bathing suit.


Daydream all the time

5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas.

Source: Istock

At meetings, you get lost in thoughts of palm trees and steel drum bands. And on the highway, traffic becomes a mirage of a lonely beach. It shows you need a vacation.


You’re Depressed

5 Signs You Need a Vacation this Christmas.

Source: Pixabay

Why does it seem like everyone else has time for a vacation? Most times when depression sets in it might be as a result of the environment in which you find yourself and travelling or going sightseeing might be able to cure your depression, why not cheer up, dust your passport, pick up your bags and put a call through to Ehis Travels and let’s create unforgettable memories together.



The holidays are a great time to take a break and enjoy the things you love. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities, take some time off work or school! 

Start planning, stop procrastinating and start making your much-needed vacation a reality. Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Create a preliminary budget and schedule. Writing down the date, this will not only give you something to look forward to, but also a goal to work towards.
  • Explore the pros and cons of travelling to your desired destination in your preferred period. Will the attractions and activities that interest you be available?


Start planning your next vacation (and soon) with Ehis Travels.



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